Maple Glen, PA 19044
(215) 653-4720
It's been quite a hectic haul these past couple of months and my desire to keep you drooling for more hot reviews of our nations finest or rather worst eateries has taken a detour. But don’t get me wrong, my native tongue continues to speak volumes with every savory bite and cultural cuisine it encounters. I have about 3 or 4 reviews stored in the drawers of my cerebrum, so I’m hoping they will continue to stay there until my fingertips start capturing them on my Macbook Pro. So let the journey begin...
Don't be deceived by the location and appearance of this fine Italian establishment. Embezzled near America’s 15th best places to live in 2007, according to Money Magazine, La Vita E’Bella will leave you simply speechless. For those unfamiliar with its Italian translation, you'll soon realize what that is right after you walk out of those doors with a humongous smile on your face. As you gaze up at the big blue sky with the sun glaring on your forehead and that palate freshly coated with Italy’s finest, you’ll start to utter La Vita E’Bella’s translation…Life is Beautiful. And that’s what this restaurant will leave you saying.
For the past several months, I have checked into this hot spot so many times, that most recently I stole the Foursquare mayorship from a predecessor and etched my own name as well as the Drunk Eats label onto our own director’s chair. One dish in particular has made me return week after week, yet words can’t even describe its true essence. I honestly can’t believe what I am about to say. Penne alla Vodka has changed my life. Rarely have I had a dish that has made me say such words but Penne alla Vodka is one of them. Sauteed Bacon with Butter and served in a Vodka pink cream sauce will leave you mouth licking like LL Cool J. I literally found myself with a fork in one hand and a slice of bread in the other. You wonder what I'm doing with a slice of bread in one hand…well its saturating and absorbing properties make it the perfect plate cleaner. Who needs a sponge to clean the plate when you have bread! Oh, and did I forget to mention that it also gets served with salad? ehhh not that exquisite but who really cares if you follow it up with Penne alla Vodka!
At a mere $8.95, your wallet will be screaming “take my money!!!”. The perfect prize for any bet made over fantasy basketball, Penne alla Vodka ranks among one of my favorite dishes. One of these days, I will master it’s recipe and serve it to the masses. I don’t even feel right going back to this restaurant and ordering any other dish.
Penne alla Vodka….DO IT!
(photo credit: JoeMac)